Pomegranate taste.
If you are looking for an energy booster and the right kick in the morning look no further.
Due to its high caffeine content mate is linked to increased alertness, improved concentration, reduced fatigue, and enhanced physical performance.
But that is not all that this tea has for you: A great Matcha is hidden in this ingredients to provide with additional antioxidants potentially reducing heart disease risk while aiding weight loss
If you are on high blood pressure medication, pregnant or breastfeeding you should reduce the caffeine intake
How to prepare:
quantity: 15 - 20 g/l (approx. 4.5g per cup)
temperature: 100 C
brewing time: 5 to 10 minutes
Multiple infusion: 5 to 10 steeps
Food pairing Anything chocolaty
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Ingredients: Mate green* (70%), orange peels*, lemon peels*, papaya*, spearmint*, verbena*, natural flavouring, verbena whole*, Green Tea Matcha*, guarana*, pomegranate
Boost the immune system and energy level, help with fat burinig during exercise and lower the bad cholesterol. Perfect for a morning.
Yerba mate provides an energy boost due to its high caffeine content, which is linked to increased alertness, improved concentration, reduced fatigue, and enhanced physical performance. Yerba mate is better than coffee for your digestive tract.
Talk about powerful! In addition, new studies show that yerba mate can also help fight against colon cancer. The anti-inflammatory compounds in yerba reduce inflammation markers and prevent colon cancer from activating.